Des Moines, Polk County Attorney. Body camera footage reveals that police officer made false report of being struck by vehicle. Operating while intoxicated charge amended to simple misdemeanor reckless driving. Interference with official acts causing bodily injury charge dismissed outright. It pays to watch all videos with a critical eye.
Des Moines Police Officer initially claimed that GRL Law's client struck her with a vehicle during a snow-removal detail in downtown Des Moines. The officer's body camera footage proved that GRL Law's client's vehicle never struck the officer and that the officers claimed recollection of the events were not accurate. The officers unprovoked, combative attitude during her deposition also helped to convince the prosecutor's office to resolve the case in a favorable way. What started off as two serious misdemeanor charges punishable by up to two years in jail, ended with a simple misdemeanor and a $65 fine.