I never been through anything like this before. But I was so glad I had Amanda there by my side. She was my lawyer, my friend, even my therapist at times. My case was a long uphill battle and I was an emotional mess. She listened and listenend to me go on and on. We lost fights we swore we would win. She never waivered, always made me feel like we would win in the end. And we did. I never had to get up and perjure myself by pleading to something I flat out did not do. I don't know how people do that? Although Amanda being new she did not charge much, she did the work of one making a mint. So if you have a choice, you should ask for Amanda. I can't write enough good things about her. 6 months later, I won my case, I accepted the charge of what happened, not what some cop thought I did (he was so far off). No one can predict the future, but if Amanda's is your attorney, at least you know you have someone helping you control it. Thanks.