The traffic ticket defense attorneys at GRL Law save yet another driver’s license from suspension.
A conviction for driving more than 24 mph over the posted speed limit carries a hefty fine. It also constitutes a “serious violation” for DOT purposes. The Iowa DOT typically suspends a license for 90 days for a conviction of 30 mph over. And requires expensive SR22 insurance for two years. Speeding is a moving violation, too, so a conviction can also be used to separately suspend driving privileges for young drivers with a restricted license.
In this case, we were able to negotiate a resolution with the county attorney’s office. The prosecutor agreed to dismiss the charge if the driver, a high school student with an intermediate license, successfully completed the driver improvement program class.
No conviction. No suspension.
Don’t plead guilty to an excessive speeding citation without first consulting GRL Law. We may not be able to change your past, but we can certainly change your future.