Tag: Department of Transportation

Farm On!

Adams County, Iowa.  An Adams County farmer will keep farming thanks to GRL Law’s 12-step OWI defense review of his operating while intoxicated case.  GRL Law’s review of the case revealed that the preliminary breath test unit that was used to initially test our client had been calibrated with an alcohol standard that had expired […]

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Commercial Truck Driver Charged with OWI sees charges amended to Speeding

Polk County, Iowa- A commercial truck driver was stopped for an inspection of his vehicle.  The inspection turned up no evidence of illegal substances, but the driver, who was from out of state, was suspected of operating while under the influence.  The officer who conducted the investigation ultimately concluded that the driver must’ve been under […]

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Officer Ignores Evidence Of Innocence and Charges Innocent Passenger With OWI

Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.  Last man remaining at accident scene was accused of operating while intoxicated despite the fact that all evidence pointed to someone else as the driver. Des Moines Police Department responded to a traffic accident where a vehicle struck a parked vehicle.  When law enforcement arrived, nobody was in the vehicle.  […]

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