Tag: Good Samaritan Law

Marijuana with Fentanyl Awareness

If you consume cannabis flower, then you should be aware of common opioid overdose symptoms. Opioid overdose?  But marijuana does not contain opioids?! True. There have been dozens of reports, however, from Connecticut since July 2021 involving patients who exhibited opioid overdose symptoms and required naloxone, a medication that rapidly reverses an overdose, for revival. The patients all denied any opioid use and admitted to only smoking marijuana. A recent lab test confirmed marijuana seized in that state tested positive for fentanyl.  It may be the first reported lab confirmation in the United States. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid […]

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Immunity From Drug Prosecutions Under Iowa’s Good Samaritan Law

If you witness a drug overdose, then Iowa’s Good Samaritan Law will protect you if you call 911 for medical assistance. That’s right. The law provides full immunity for certain Chapter 124 drug charges including: Delivery of a controlled substance, if not done for profit (124.401); Simple possession (124.401(5)); Gatherings (124.407); and Drug paraphernalia (124.414). Generally, you cannot be arrested, charged or prosecuted for these crimes when you remain on the scene, call for medical assistance and provide your contact information to and cooperate with medical personnel.  Calling 911 should not affect your probation or parole status either.  This applies […]

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