Tag: stems and seeds

Drug Charge Dismissed After GRL Challenges Marijuana Identification

GRL recently put its knowledge of drug identification procedures to the test in a case involving alleged THC vape liquid. Police seized a vape cart during a traffic stop.  Field testing of the liquid extract showed a positive color change indicating the possible presence of marijuana. Frequent readers of the GRL Law blog know that field testing can mistake CBD for marijuana.  We’ve discussed this phenomenon here. This is where things get interesting. Police didn’t send the cart to the state crime lab.  Instead, they sent it to a local department that employs an officer with training in marijuana identification.  […]

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Warning! Warrantless Searches of Curbside Garbage Resume July 1, 2022

Readers of the GRL Law blog are no doubt familiar with the firm’s efforts to protect the privacy rights of Iowans in State v. Wright.  That’s the 2021 ruling from the Iowa Supreme Court that banned police from trespassing on your curbside garbage and searching it without a warrant. Predictably, the law enforcement community threw a tantrum after the ruling.  And they ran kicking and screaming to some legislators at the statehouse who obviously can’t appreciate the difference between the Iowa Bill of Rights and the Communist Manifesto. The result? Effective tomorrow, July 1, 2022, anyone can scavenge your garbage.  […]

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Do Marijuana Seeds Still Provide PC to Search?

There was a time when the observation of marijuana seeds on the floorboard of a vehicle provided probable cause to search. Why? Because the definition of “marijuana” under Iowa law includes cannabis seeds. However, with the passage of the Iowa Hemp Act, Iowa Code chapter 204, that may no longer be the case. “Hemp” in Iowa is any part of the cannabis plant with a delta-9 THC concentration of up to 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.  The definition of hemp also includes seeds.  Hemp is legal to possess in the state of Iowa. Both marijuana and hemp seeds […]

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Challenging the Certified Weight of Marijuana in Drug Stamp Tax Cases

Most Iowans are unaware they can be charged with a felony for simply possessing 42.5 grams or more of processed marijuana flower without first affixing tax stamps issued by the Iowa Department of Revenue to the Ziploc baggie. Quantities up to 42.5 grams (just shy of one and one-half ounces), especially in a single package, are certainly indicative of personal use.  Anything over that amount, however, and you are labeled a “dealer” for tax stamp purposes.  At $5.00 per gram, these stamps can add up to 50% to the street cost of medium quality cannabis.  That’s a small price to […]

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Challenging Search Warrants Involving Marijuana Stems and Seeds

Trash rips.  The low-hanging fruit of narcotics investigations.  In terms of evidence gathering for the local drug task force, nothing beats the simplicity of stealing a homeowner’s curbside garbage bags at midnight and spending the rest of the shift rifling through the contents. The goal?  Like any prospector with a newly staked claim, the officers are mining for search warrant gold, often in the form of leftover marijuana stems and seeds. If they hit pay dirt, their lucky strike, coupled with a few other allegations in a search warrant affidavit, will often result in written authorization to fully search the […]

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