A person convicted or adjudicated of an offense that requires registration as a sex offender may file an application to modify the registration requirements.
In order to qualify for modification if you are currently on probation, parole, work release, special sentence, or some other conditional release all of the following must apply:
Registered for at least two years for a Tier I offense
Registered for at least five years for a Tier II or III offense
Successful completion of all required sex offender treatment programs
Risk assessment completed and classified as low risk to reoffend by a risk assessment validated by the Department of Corrections
Not incarcerated at the time of filing the application
A certified copy of a stipulation to modification by the Director of the judicial district department of correctional services supervising the offender or their designee
In order to qualify for modification if you are no longer subject to correctional supervision all of the following must apply:
Registered for at least two years for a Tier I offense
Registered for at least five years for a Tier II or III offense
Successful completion of all required sex offender treatment programs
Not incarcerated at the time of filing the application
The Department of Corrections agrees to perform a risk assessment and you are classified as low risk to reoffend. (The Court can order the Department to perform a risk assessment.)
The application must be filed in the offender’s county of residence. Notice of filing of the application must be provided to the County Attorney in the county of residence, the County Attorney in the county of conviction, as well as the Department of Public Safety.
GRL Law is one of only a handful of law firms in the State of Iowa that has successfully litigated a sex offender registry modification. Contact us now for your free initial consultation if you meet the requirements set out above.