December 1, 2021 marks the three year anniversary since Iowa began distributing medical cannabidiol to certified patients.
Here is some of the data for the program through October 2021:
- There are 1,549 certifying health practitioners.
- 7,323 active patient cardholders.
- 16,591 cumulative patient cards issued.
All of this above data is trending upward, which is great for the program.
Chronic pain accounts for more than 70.28% of the qualifying medical condition by active cardholders followed by PTSD at 12.60%.
Vaporizable cannabidiol represents 50% of the products sold in the last year.
High THC products are preferred nearly 2:1 over high CBD and balanced THC:CBD combined.
The average transaction price is $151, which has remained relatively constant for the last 12 months.
Dispensary sales topped $600,000 per month for the first time in October.