On July 24, 2020 Governor Reynolds continued the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency for the State of Iowa that extends until August 23, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
Specifically, the Proclamation temporarily suspends the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code sections 724.6, 724.7 and 724.20 regarding professional and nonprofessional permits to carry firearms.
This means that if you hold a resident permit that would have expired after March 17, 2020, then that permit is still valid for as long as the Governor continues the disaster emergency. Some county sheriffs will allow you to renew either in person or by mail, but for the time being the permit to carry remains in effect. You should check with your local sheriff for additional information.
You can always rely on the attorneys at GRL to keep you updated on the latest information regarding your rights to purchase, possess and carry firearms in Iowa.