Tag: Offensive Weapon

Can Police Frisk Me for Drugs?

The drug defense attorneys at GRL Law have seen their fair share of possession cases arising from police frisks. It usually goes down like this.  Following a traffic stop for a minor traffic violation, the officer orders the driver to come back to the patrol car to process a citation. Pro tip: You are seized by the officer and legally obligated to follow this instruction.  Don’t resist, or worse, assert your rights as a sovereign citizen.  You will be definitely arrested for interference and subjected to a full search of your person, clothing and accessories like a wallet, purse or […]

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Carrying Weapons – Part I – Non Firearm Weapons

People often ask: “Is it legal for me to carry a knife? Can I carry one to hunt or fish? Can I carry one in public? Can I carry one to cut a length of rope or to cut the tape off of a package? Can I carry a knife to protect myself? How about carrying a knife just because I want to?” The answer is yes, but there are conditions on what, when, and where you can carry.

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