Commercial Truck Driver Charged with OWI sees charges amended to Speeding

Polk County, Iowa- A commercial truck driver was stopped for an inspection of his vehicle.  The inspection turned up no evidence of illegal substances, but the driver, who was from out of state, was suspected of operating while under the influence.  The officer who conducted the investigation ultimately concluded that the driver must’ve been under the influence of a controlled substance.  The driver consented to provide a sample of his urine.  After drinking many cups of water, he was unable to urinate and the officer marked him as a refusal.  He was charged with OWI based in large part upon the refusal to submit.  After his release from jail and speaking with GRL Law, Mr. Gangestad advised the client to immediately go seek his own urine and hair test.  Both test results came back negative for all substances.  Mr. Gangestad was able to get the refusal of the breath test declared inadmissible and the OWI amended to a speeding ticket.  The client’s drivers license and commercial driving privileges and his job were saved.