What is vehicular manslaughter and how many years for vehicular manslaughter?
You often hear people getting charged with or convicted of vehicular manslaughter, also known as vehicular homicide. That is defined by the unintentional killing of another while operating a motor vehicle while either under the influence of alcohol or while driving that vehicle in a reckless manner. If an individual gets convicted of vehicular manslaughter or vehicular homicide by way of operating while intoxicated, the judge has to send that person to prison.
It's an indeterminate term not to exceed 25 years, probation is not an option. With a vehicular homicide charge that is by way of reckless driving, it's an indeterminate term of prison not to exceed 10 years. However, there is the option of probation. People also need to understand that either one of those charges carries with it a $150,000 restitution requirement that be payed to the estate of each victim in those cases.These are very serious cases, cases in which people are being investigated when they don't even realize they're being investigated and potentially giving harmful information to the investigating authorities. That's why it's important to get an attorney who's knowledgeable in the area to help you protect your rights in that situation.